Sunday, June 22, 2014

GSoC Week 5 : Generated my first graph with Memory Usage

Since i have got lot of progress in listening to memory usage previous week this week my main target was getting started with NVD3 js and try to generate the graphs.

NVD3 js is a tool for build re-usable charts and chart components for using d3.js which is a JavaScript library for manipulating documents based on data using HTML, SVG and CSS. 

This is the first time i was working with NVD3 js and therefore it took me a few days to get it learnt and try out few basic examples. After that i started with creating the first graph in the module for the used memory data values. I first tried with using sample data and populating X and Y axises of the graph with reading and iterating  data using a json file where i stored {"timestamp": "memory value"} pairs. However it didn't work as each time i got D3.js error as it is not able to find my data.json file when called using,

d3.json('file path', callbacks); method.

Therefore to get the graph using i used some mock memory values inside my chart.jsp file and by populating those data i was able to draw the graph as below.

Therefore for the next week my biggest challenge is getting more used to NVD3 js API and to javascript and get this graph populated with real time memory data.

In addition since the coming week is the mid term evaluation, i worked on creating my project update presentation and added in the below locations.



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