Sunday, August 17, 2014

GSoC 2014: My Final Blog post !!!

Hi all,

So time has flew and the Google Summer of Code 2014 has come to an end. Since i had already completed the planned coding work, this week i mostly spent on writing the unit tests and adding the documentation for the module. Therefore i completed that work this week. In the next few days i will be releasing the final 1.1.0 version of the module and will deploy the artifacts and hence can finish the GSoC period with a success note.

Since this is my last blog post in the i would like to thank my awesome mentors Pascal and Jan for all the guide they gave me during this time. When i started i had a little programming knowledge on OpenMRS but they helped me a lot in catching up the speed. Also i should thank Micheal,Daniel,Wyclif and Harsha too for all the help they gave me in answering queries for me to know well on the project.

My mentor Pascal is on vacation this week so we didn't get time to call this week. He had given me all the guides before the vacation and i was able to finish the tasks as per his advice. In the next week i will be updating OpenMRS developers list with the final state of the project. Looking forward to the final evaluation.

Sunday, August 10, 2014

GSoC Final Coding Week : Adding the 'Created Encounters' Application Indicator

After 12 weeks of hard work, this week i finished the coding of the module 'System Performance and Utilization'. The final indicator that is added was 'Encounter Created' which listens on the created encounters (on the other hand, entered forms) and displays the created encounters per hour and per day.

In addition to that i completed a short video of the final state of the module so far, added a demo on how to add the module, invoke the indicators and observe the displayed data graphs there. By the time of creating the video, the 'Created encounters' indicator was in progress therefore the demo doesn't include the graph for that. However i will be updating it on the module documentation.

The post on the final presentation posted into OpenMRS talk can be found in the below link.

Final demo video:

Final Presentation Slides:

Therefore the next week i hope to spend on writing the test cases as well as complete all the testing on the module source code. After that the final week can be spent on adding the documentation and releasing the version 1.1.0 of the module to conclude this great summer !!

Sunday, August 3, 2014

GSOC Week 11: Finishing the User Login Indicator

Time has flew so fast and it is one more coding week in the GSoC. This week i finished the logged in users indicator with completing both graphs for the Logged In Users Count as ell as created listeners, deletion thread for the indicator.

In order to enable user log in tracking when the module is started, it is needed to invoke the 'Enable User Login Tracking' button from the module home page as below.

After that when you go to User Logins: section the below is the view of the charts for logged in users per each 30 second and for each 5 minutes.

Since the coming week is the final coding week for GSoC as agreed with my mentor Pascal, i will be working on getting one more application indicator done, which is 'completed forms per hour/day'.

In addition this week i also spent time on working on my final evaluation video for the project which will be added into OpenMRS talk page in the coming days after i finalize it with my mentor.

Below are the commits for the feature this week.